FDLE’s MEPIC marks 40 years helping to find missing persons | 3/9/2023
This month marks the 40th anniversary of Florida’s Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse (MEPIC).   Florida was the first state in the country to establish a missing persons clearinghouse.

FDLE arrests sexual predator for failing to comply with registration laws | 2/28/2023
Agents began their investigation during the Keys mass migration deployment

FDLE and law enforcement partners increasing presence in response to recent harassment against Jewish Community | 2/24/2023
At the direction of Governor DeSantis, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is surging additional resources and calling on local law enforcement agencies to address the coordinated “National Day of Hate” efforts seen across the nation.

FDLE lauds women and girls in science | 2/11/2023
Florida Department of Law Enforcement celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science by spotlighting the contributions made by FDLE’s forensic scientists.

FDLE arrests Gilchrist County man for possession of child sexual abuse material | 2/3/2023
Jason Eric Fowler, 39, of Bell, is arrested on 12 counts of possession of child sexual abuse material. 

Update: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Hurricane Ian deaths | 2/3/2023
Florida District Medical Examiners report hurricane deaths to the Medical Examiners Commission (MEC) following examinations and confirming the death is storm-related.

Governor DeSantis’ Framework for Freedom Budget continues historic support for law enforcement | 2/1/2023
FDLE and law enforcement leaders throughout the state are praising Governor DeSantis' Framework for Freedom Budget for protecting Florida families, businesses and Florida’s Capitol.  

In Case You Missed It: Governor DeSantis touts legislative priorities for law and order | 1/27/2023
"Governor Ron DeSantis knows the importance of keeping families safe, and, because of that, his commitment to law enforcement is unprecedented."

FDLE: Sexual Assault Kit tracking now available in many parts of Florida | 1/18/2023
Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Commissioner Mark Glass announced today that survivors of sexual violence now have a tool to follow the path of their sexual assault evidence collection kits (SAKs).

Today is National AMBER Alert Awareness Day | 1/13/2023
AMBER Alerts save lives.

FDLE observes Human Trafficking Awareness Day, recognizes victims | 1/11/2023
If you are a victim or if you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, please call 911; your local law enforcement agency; Florida’s See Something, Say Something hotline at 1-855 FLA-SAFE (855-352-7233).

FDLE highlights 2022 accomplishments | 12/28/2022
FDLE lists 2022 accomplishments

FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass warns about the dangers of fentanyl | 12/12/2022
FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass released a video following the publication of the Florida Medical Examiners Drugs in Deceased Persons report. 

FDLE hosts Florida Crimes Against Children Conference in Orlando | 12/12/2022
FDLE will host the 2022 Internet Crimes Against Children conference in Orlando this week.

FDLE arrests Bell man for sending harmful material to a minor | 12/9/2022
FDLE agents arrested Anthony Dale Douglas, 22, of Bell, for transmitting harmful material to a minor by electronic device after he sent lewd photos of himself to a child.  

Update: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Hurricane Ian deaths | 12/9/2022
Florida District Medical Examiners report hurricane deaths to the Medical Examiners Commission (MEC) following examinations and confirming the death is storm-related.

Human remains found in Gilchrist County | 12/8/2022
Agents with FDLE and deputies with Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office are investigating after human remains were found Monday in the Sun Springs area of Gilchrist County.  The remains have not been identified.

Update: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Hurricane Ian deaths | 12/1/2022
Update: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Hurricane Ian deaths

Florida crime rate drops for record 50-year low | 11/30/2022
Both violent crimes and property crimes decreased in 2021 compared to the previous year.

FDLE continues to seek information about missing Samantha Fiddler | 11/22/2022
FDLE continues to seek missing Samantha Fiddler

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Florida ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ Case Cracked with DNA from Suspect’s Son | 1/24/2020
Florida 'Pillowcase Rapist' Case Cracked with DNA from Suspect's Son

When the ‘Gainesville Ripper’ terrorized a Florida college town with fear and murder | 8/26/2019
On Aug. 24, 1990, Danny Rolling brutally murdered his first two victims

Kidnapping of and then locating Kamiyah Mobley – FDLE did the DNA testing that provided Alexis Manigo was Kamiyah Mobley | 8/13/2019
On July 10, 1998, a woman impersonating a nurse entered a Florida hospital room, took a newborn baby from a teenage mother, and disappeared without a trace.

Rape and murder of Kim Dorsey – FDLE did DNA testing that linked Lance Kirkpatrick to the crime | 4/8/2017
The accused sits down with Dateline's Andrea Canning and offers a very different account of what happened inside the Dorsey home

Paul Durousseau – serial killer – convicted of the murders of 5 Jacksonville women – FDLE did the DNA testing that linked Durousseau to the victims | 6/18/2010

A cab driver was charged with murder in the killing of five Jacksonville women from December 2002 to February. Paul Durousseau, has been in jail since Feb. 6 on other charges.

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Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.