Florida Statutes Chapter 943

The following is a list of applicable sections of Florida Statute 943 pertaining to the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission and/or FDLE's Criminal Justice Professionalism Division.

Table of Contents

(Please Note: This Table of Contents does not contain the entire F.S. 943)

Chapter 943 Department of Law Enforcement - links to the entire statutory reference.
943.085 Legislative intent with respect to upgrading the quality of law enforcement officers and correctional officers
943.09 Criminal Justice Professionalism Program
943.10 Definitions; ss. 943.085-943.255
943.11 Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission; membership; meetings; compensation
943.12 Powers, duties, and functions of the commission
943.125 Law enforcement agency accreditation
943.13 Officers' minimum qualifications for employment or appointment
943.131 Temporary employment or appointment; minimum basic recruit training exemption
943.132 Implementation of federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004
943.133 Responsibilities of employing agency, commission, and program with respect to compliance with employment qualifications and the conduct of background investigations: injunctive relief
943.135 Requirements for continued employment
943.137 Establishment of qualifications and standards above the minimum
943.139 Notice of employment, appointment, or separation; response by the officer; duty of commission
943.1395 Certification for employment or appointment; concurrent certification; reemployment or reappointment; inactive status; revocation; suspension; investigation
943.1397 Officer certification examinations; fee
943.14 Commission-certified criminal justice training schools; certificates and diplomas; exemptions; injunctive relief; Fines
943.146 Securing of copyrights by the department and sale of department work products
943.16 Payment of tuition or officer certification examination fee by employing agency; reimbursement of tuition, other course expenses, wages, and benefits
943.17 Basic recruit, advanced, and career development training programs; participation; cost; evaluation
943.1701 Uniform statewide policies and procedures; duty of the commission
943.1702 Collection of statistics on domestic violence
943.171 Basic skills training in handling domestic violence cases
943.1715 Basic skills training relating to diverse populations
943.1716 Continued employment training relating to diverse populations
943.1717 Use of dart-firing stun guns
943.1718 Body cameras; policies and procedures
943.172 Basic skills training in victims assistance and rights
943.1725 Basic skills training on human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
943.1726 Continued employment training relating to diabetic emergencies
943.17261 Department of Law Enforcement; training related to medical use of marijuana
943.1727 Continued employment training relating to autism spectrum disorder
943.1728 Basic skills training relating to the protection of archaeological sites
943.1729 Skills training relating to community policing
943.17291 Basic skills training in juvenile sexual offender investigation
943.17295 Continued employment training relating to juvenile sexual offender investigation
943.17296 Training in identifying and investigating elder abuse and neglect.
943.17297 Continuing employment training in identifying and investigating human trafficking
943.173 Examinations; administration; materials not public records; disposal of materials
943.175 In-service training
943.1755 Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute
943.1757 Criminal justice executives; training; policy report
943.1758 Curriculum revision for diverse populations; skills training
943.18 Compensation and benefits study; recommendation
943.19 Saving clause
943.22 Salary incentive program for full-time officers
943.25 Criminal justice trust funds; source of funds; use of funds
943.253 Exemption; elected officers


Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.