Sexual Assault Kit Tracking
Florida Track-Kit ( was established by Florida Statute 943.326 upon passage of House Bill 673 (Gail's Law), with oversight by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Track-Kit enables survivors who have a barcoded Sexual Assault Kit collected by a participating medical facility to receive a log-in and password to access a database containing information about the storage location of their SAK. Survivors who report to law enforcement and consent to testing can log in and see the location, testing status, and disposition of their kits, and can opt to receive information about possible DNA matches obtained through the State Crime Laboratory System.
FDLE Laboratory Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) tracking numbers and turnaround time are reflected on the main
Forensics page.
A basic overview of how the web-based system works, as presented by the vendor, can be viewed at:
All medical facilities that collect SAKs, all law enforcment entities that hold SAK evidence and/or investigate crimes that involve SAKs, and all Florida government crime laboratories must participate in FL Track-Kit. If your agency or medical facility needs a portal site, contact Barcoded SAKs for evidence collection MUST be obtained via the Track-Kit portal and are not for use by Medical Examiner's Offices.
- The following reflects information gathered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement using the State of Florida Track-Kit System, available prior to July 1, 2023 as per Florida Statute 943.326.
- Date range for these data is 6/8/2022 – 8/31/2024 and includes the three-phase approach to introducing Track-Kit to the state. As such, consideration for when each county, or entity therein, began participating should be considered when interpreting the data. Data presented are specific to FDLE FY21 SAFE-ITR BJA Grant Reporting Metrics, and are cumulative except for G (7/1/2024 – 8/31/2024).
- Cumulative total number of samples of sexual assault evidence that, at the end of the reporting period:
- are in the possession of the State or unit of local government - 5896
- are awaiting testing - 904
- the State or unit of local government has determined should undergo DNA or other analyses - 904
- Total number of sexual assault evidence that was determined should NOT undergo DNA or other analyses – 937 (Not reported to LEA: 770; Skipped Lab Processing: 122; Out of State LEA: 45 (41 included in C.i.))
- Total number of samples sexual assault evidence that have been submitted to the lab for analyses - 5610
- Total number of samples of sexual assault evidence for which DNA or other appropriate forensic analysis has been completed at the end of the reporting period - 5104
- Total number of samples of sexual assault evidence identified by the State or unit of local government since the previous reporting period - 695
- Cumulative total number of samples of sexual assault evidence as consistent with item C., above, for which will be barred within 12-month by any applicable statute of limitations from prosecuting a perpetrator of the sexual assault to which the sample relates: NA
Data above were generated on 09/10/2024. Data changes as updates are made in Track-Kit. Data may be incomplete if kits contain missing information. Where applicable, data was generated using the reported to law enforcement date and not the kit collection date.
Press Releases:
FDLE: Sexual Assault Kit tracking now available in many parts of Florida
FDLE: Sexual Assault Kit tracking now available statewide
Regarding FL Track-Kit and the purchase of InvitaHealth STACs Track-Kit, this project was supported by Grant No. 15PBJA-21-GG-04362-DNAX awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
General FAQs for Law Enforcement partners, established after prior updates to statute in October 2024, may be found here
Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kit Project 2016-2019
The State of Florida identified there were previously unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits (SAK) across the state. In 2015, at the direction of the Florida Legislature, FDLE was tasked to determine the number of untested sexual assault kits stored in local law enforcement agencies across the state and to create a plan to complete the testing. FDLE created the Sexual Assault Kit Assessment Survey which was then sent to every law enforcement agency in Florida.
The survey was summarized and closed December 16, 2015 with the following results:
Submission and testing of the previously unsubmitted SAK began and followed the accepted proposal for a three-year goal of completion starting July 1, 2016. The final results of the project are: