Funding Home
Archived Opportunities
Opportunity Notification Process
OCJG strives to ensure appropriate individuals are notified of funding opportunities posted to the website. Prior to release, OCJG updates the list of local government chief officials (mayor, chairperson, etc.), implementing agency chief officials (sheriffs, police chiefs, directors, etc.), and current Project Directors. Once a contact list is generated, OCJG sends an email to the identified parties to provide notification of the posted opportunity.
Since OCJG heavily relies on our electronic grant management system (AmpliFund) to pull contact information, it is imperative for recipients to ensure this information remains up-to-date at all times.
Application Process
The Office of Criminal Justice Grants revised its application process with the FY2018 funding. Prospective recipients are no longer required to print and mail two copies of the application. Additionally, signature pages are not to be submitted at the time of application. OCJG will review the application in AmpliFund and request signature pages prior to award activation.
Previously, prospective recipients were required to obtain signature from their chief officials at the time of application submission and obtain a signed Certificate of Acceptance post-award since changes were often made to the application after the chief official signed the document. OCJG hopes the new process will prevent duplication of effort by only requiring signatures after all application edits are made.