Responsibilities of the Trust Fund Administrative Section
• Prior to July 1 of each year, identify Florida’s full-time law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officer populations.
• No later than July 1 of each year, notify the 16 Regional Training Councils of their projected allocation of funds.
• Review and approve proposed Regional Training Council Operating Budgets.
• Prepare a budget summary for submission to the Commission at its next quarterly meeting.
• Request authority from the State Comptroller for the training schools to place allocated trust funds into interest bearing accounts.
• Review and approve proposed interest budgets from training schools to place the allocated trust funds into interest bearing accounts.
• Prepare an interest budget summary for submission to the Commission at its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.
• Notify training regions of Commission and Legislative action affecting trust fund budgets for the next fiscal year.
• Review and approve standard budget amendments submitted by the Regional Training Councils for transfer of trust funds between budget categories. These amendments shall not alter the Commission-approved Trust Fund Expenditure Formula, pursuant to 11B-18, F.A.C.
• With Consent of the Commission Chairman, the Field Services Section shall accept requests for Emergency Budget Amendments, pending final approval by the Commission at one of its regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.
NOTE: An Emergency Budget Amendment is the transfer of funds from one budget category to another budget category, when the transfer of funds alters the Commission-approved Trust Fund Expenditure Formula.
• Approve Programmatic Budget Amendments within budget categories submitted by the training schools, which have been approved by the Regional Training Council Chairperson.
• Review and approve the Semiannual and Year-End Fiscal Reports submitted from each training school.
• Audit training school facilities and training programs within individual regions for compliance with Florida Statutes, Commission Rules, budget provisions, and standardized contractual arrangements.
• Report audit findings to the Commission at its regularly scheduled quarterly meetings.
• Advise Regional Training Council Chairpersons, fiscal agents, and training schools of trust fund activity that occurred within each respective training region.