UCR Arrest Data
The information on this page is from Florida's Uniform Crime Reports data collection.
Total Arrests by County
The Arrests by County files include data for Part 1 and Part 2 arrests as reported to the Uniform Crime Reports program for inclusion in the annual Crime in Florida Report. The files include arrests reported as Adults and Juveniles.
Part 1 arrests include arrests for Murder, Forcible Sex Offenses, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny, and Motor Vehicle Theft.
Part 2 arrests include arrests for Manslaughter, Kidnap/Abduction, Arson, Simple Assault, Drug Arrests, Bribery, Embezzlement, Fraud, Counterfeit/Forgery, Extortion/Blackmail, Intimidation, Prostitution, Non-Forcible Sex Offenses, Stolen Property, DUI, Destruction/Vandalism, Gambling, Weapons Violations, Liquor Law Violations, and Miscellaneous offenses.
Total Part I Arrests by Age, Sex, and Race for Florida |
1971 - 1995
Arrests by County and Race for Florida |
1998 - 2020
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Arrests by County, Age, and Sex for Florida |
1998 - 2020
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Arrests by County, Age, Sex and Offense for Florida |
1998 - 2020
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Juvenile Arrests by Gender and Offense for Florida |
1998 - 2020
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