About Data Transparency Data

FDLE does not warrant that the records provided here are comprehensive or complete; only that they contain information received from the reporting entities. Errors and/or omissions brought to the attention of FDLE will be investigated and corrected as necessary.

As part of Criminal Justice Data Transparency (CJDT) initiative, FDLE collects person-based data for each individual that came into contact with the criminal justice system (e.g., was arrested, prosecuted, and/or incarcerated).

The person-based CJDT data includes only adult and treat-as-adult records, and contains no personal identifying information. The records are linked by a unique identifier created for each criminal case to ensure every subject of the case is the same for all information related to that person at any time.

Additionally, FDLE collects administrative data elements from contributor agencies that reflect their workload, staffing, and cost of doing business. Administrative reports vary in frequency and can represent numbers by the day, week, month, or year.

The CJDT data is accessible through interactive dashboards that allow users to filter information based on their interest (e.g., by county, year, final disposition, etc.) The data is also available for download as a filtered dataset directly from the dashboard or in full from a Full Data Download link. Full datasets may contain elements not represented in the dashboards as the graphics are intended to highlight only the most requested statistics.

Contributing agencies submit data to FDLE on a monthly basis, and FDLE makes monthly updates to the CJDT dashboards. 

  • County Detention Facilities Administrative Reports
    This page contains administrative data submitted from Florida county detention facilities (jails) on a daily, weekly, and annual basis as directed by F.S. 900.05.
  • State Attorney Offices Administrative Reports
    This page contains administrative data submitted from the 20 Florida judicial circuits by the state attorney’s offices on an annual basis as directed by F.S. 900.05.
  • Public Defender Offices Administrative Reports
    This page contains administrative data submitted from the 20 Florida judicial circuits by the offices of the public defender on an annual basis as directed by F.S. 900.05.
  • Florida Department of Corrections Administrative Reports
    This page contains administrative data submitted by the Florida Department of Corrections on a monthly and annual basis as directed by F.S. 900.05.
CJDT Clerk of Court Reports
  • Court Case Data
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) in court cases.
  • Defendant Information
    The analytics presented in this report is based on defendant information and can be at the charge (offense) level, court case level, or person level.
  • Sentencing Details
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) in court cases with a disposition of “Guilty.” Maximum Sentence Duration may represent the maximum sentence length for the offense or the actual length of sentence imposed, and may apply to one charge (offense) or all charges in the case.
CJDT State Attorney’s Office Reports
  • Prosecution Data
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) that resulted in a prosecutor final action.
  • Defendant Information
    The analytics presented in this report is based on defendant information and can be at the charge (offense) level, court case level, or person level.
CJDT County Detention Facility Reports
  • Booking Data
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) reported to jails at the time of booking.
  • Inmate Information
    The analytics presented in this report is based on inmate information and can be at the charge (offense) level, court case level, or person level.

CJDT Florida Department of Corrections Reports
  • State Incarceration Data
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) with a disposition of “Guilty” that resulted in the incarceration.
  • State Supervision Data
    The analytics presented in this report is based on individual charges (offenses) that resulted in the incarceration.
  • Inmate Information
    The analytics presented in this report is based on inmate information and can be at the charge (offense) level, court case level, or person level.
***If you need further assistance please contact the FDLE CJDT team.***

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.