Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Training

Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Training Course Curriculum
9 modules, 40 training hours
The FLEAT course teaches basic skills necessary for law enforcement analysts and is a required prerequisite course for admission to the Analyst Academy. In order to be eligible for attendance, a person must have a minimum of 6 months of experience working in an analytical capacity with a law enforcement agency.

“Law Enforcement Analyst” means any person who is employed or contracted by any municipality or the state or any political subdivision thereof; whose primary responsibility is to collect, analyze and disseminate data to support, enhance, and direct law enforcement missions. Their efforts are directed at identifying criminal subjects, organizations, activities, events and/or forecasting future crime occurrences utilizing analytical techniques. This definition includes all law enforcement analysts who provide strategic, operational, investigative, intelligence and crime analysis.
Module 1 - The Role of the Analyst
This module defines analysis and the role of the law enforcement analyst, including types of analysts, and the function of an analyst as a resource. This module addresses legal, privacy, and ethical issues related to intelligence analysis, and also focuses on analytical professionalism, customer service ethics, and objectivity and honesty as a law enforcement analyst.
Module 2 - Creative, Critical and Logical Thinking
This module defines creative and critical thinking and discusses the classic methods of producing these types of thinking and utilizing their techniques in analysis. This module also defines logical thinking and describes pitfalls associated with false logic and developing inferences. 

Module 3 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Intelligence
This module focuses on basic knowledge of intelligence, the role of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, legal issues related to intelligence gathering, and numerous state and national intelligence initiatives. Includes types of intelligence, legal issues surrounding gathering intelligence, and information on intelligence sharing initiatives.

Module 4 - Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Overview
This module provides an overview of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, including the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Discusses offense classification approaches under UCR and NIBRS.
Module 5 - Data Sources, Interpretation and Validation
This module discusses how to use automated information resources and techniques for law enforcement investigative and analytical purposes.
Module 6 - Introduction to Analysis
This module introduces the analytic process, defines analysis, including its types and subtypes, and identifies and defines different analytical techniques.

Module 7 - Oral Briefing Skills
This module defines analytical briefs and components, identifies steps to creating an effective briefing, understand communication types, problems, and issues, and techniques for briefing executives.
Module 8 - Enhancing Presentation Skills
This module provides instruction on commonly available presentation software. Students will learn to how use the software effectively as a tool to present analytical findings, including the use, manipulation, and integration of graphics and digital images.

Module 9 - Utilizing Microsoft™ Excel ™ as an Analytical Tool
This module provides instruction on the use of Microsoft Excel as an analytical tool. Practical exercises provide students with an opportunity to learn how to navigate within a workbook and/ or worksheet, how to write commonly used formulas, how to format sheets and cells effectively, and how to create and use pivot tables.

PLEASE NOTE: At the conclusion of the course, students will complete a skill assessment tests and must achieve an 80% or higher to pass. Students that do not pass the test will be required to retake FLEAT before being eligible to apply to the Analyst Academy.

After your application has been received, it will be reviewed for eligibility and you will be contacted regarding your attendance in the training programs.

Federal or military students involved in criminal or intelligence analysis are eligible to attend as space is available.

If you are interested in attending you must complete the application found on the schedule page.


Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.