Florida Leadership Academy

The Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute’s, Florida Leadership Academy (FLA) will begin accepting applications for Class 59 between Sept. 1 –  Nov. 1, 2024. Before completing the online application, qualified applicants must prepare the following documents:

All responses will be evaluated based on responsiveness to the topic, quality of ideas, and quality of written expression. Respond in as much detail as necessary.

FLA Class 60 Application Link


About this Program

The Florida Leadership Academy consists of four week-long sessions where participants learn skills necessary to support the needs of their agencies and communities in preparation for future challenges. The goal of the Academy is to prepare first-line supervisors in criminal justice organizations to exemplify the character and integrity expected of criminal justice professionals, while examining the various components necessary to become efficient leaders.

For additional information on the FLA, please contact Gary Calhoun, Program Administrator, at (850) 528-0059.


The Florida Leadership Academy is designed for supervisors that illustrate potential for growth as a leader in their respective agencies. This is not a remedial program. In order to be eligible to attend the Florida Leadership Academy a candidate must first meet the following criteria:

  • Occupy a criminal justice position that includes full-time, permanent responsibility for the supervision of others.
  • Currently hold the rank or position of a first-line supervisor that does not oversee other supervisors.
  • Show an employment history of increasing leadership responsibilities.
  • Have the written nomination of his/her immediate supervisor indicating the applicant's potential for advancement in criminal justice.
  • Have the written endorsement of the agency chief executive pledging their support for the applicant’s participation in the program.



The Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute is always on the lookout for instructors. It is our highest priority to seek out the most qualified individuals to join our team of instructors. Specific details and qualifications are listed below:

Minimum Qualifications:
A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience is strongly preferred. Candidates having a Masters or Doctoral degree will be given additional consideration. At least 10 years of experience in criminal justice is required and candidates must have prior experience as a supervisor at the rank of Lieutenant or higher. Fifteen or more years of experience in criminal justice and a background illustrating leadership from the entry level through command level is preferred. Prior experience as an instructor is required. Familiarity with Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute (FCJEI) programs is preferred.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Knowledge and understanding of any published works utilized in the curriculum. Proficiency in the use of computers and supporting audio visual components necessary for instruction. Ability to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Ability to bridge theory-based principals into practical application. Proven instructional skills, i.e. savvy interpersonal communication, public speaking, adaptation, improvising and customer service. A positive attitude towards the students, the curriculum and the training center is necessary for instructing in this program.

Session Themes: 
How to Apply:
Qualified candidates can email the FLA Program Administrator or call (850) 410-7373 for more information. Follow up questions or additional documentation may be necessary to confirm qualifications.

Selection by the FCJEI only authorizes an individual to teach in the Florida Leadership Academy and does not guarantee employment. The Myers-Briggs unit requires certification by Center for Psychological Types (CAPT) or Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP).

Program Outline

The leadership session includes a comprehensive course overview; a history of the Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute, and a discussion of contemporary issues identified by criminal justice supervisors, middle managers, and executives. Participants will  explore the difference between managing and leading as well as study many different leadership theories and practices. This week will cover generational differences and motivational leadership. Participants will  gain a better understanding of the power they possess in leading others as they shape the future of their organization.

The communication session provides participants with the opportunity to learn written and oral communication skills necessary to support the needs of their agency. Participants will study strategies on how to effectively communicate with the media and the importance of agency branding. Participants will learn the significance of valuing individual differences which will be explored using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This week will cover how to proactively supervise yourself and others when it comes to stress awareness. Participants will gain an insight towards proactive listening skills, effective communication and an understanding of preparing and presenting a proposal or strategy plan in a criminal justice agency.

The accountability session prepares participants to efficiently address the ethical and accountability issues facing supervisors today. This week participants will prepare to meet the challenges of developing, coaching, mentoring, evaluating and disciplining their members to positively improve performance on the job. Participants will study various laws affecting first line supervisors and the criminal justice system. Participants will gain a better understanding of emotional intelligence and how to lead during difficult times. The session will wrap up with a panel of local criminal justice leaders who will  provide further insight into leadership, communication, accountability and professionalism.

The professionalism session provides essential skills for supervisors to remain proactive in their supervisory duties.  Participants will learn how to practice procedural justice while focusing on change and future studies. Participants will demonstrate their ability to develop and present on a criminal justice topic, taking into account purpose, audience, research methods, organization and appropriate presentation and delivery techniques.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.