Initiation of Misconduct
The Professional Compliance Section may initiate an officer misconduct case when:
-- Voluntary Separation or Retirement while being investigated for violation of Section 943.13(4), F.S., or
-- A violation of Moral Character standards defined by Rule 11B-27.0011, F.A.C., or
-- Terminated for Violation of Section 943.13(4), F.S., or
- As a result of an Internal Investigation Report form CJSTC-78, when the investigation report indicates violations of Section 943.13(4) or (7), F.S., which have been sustained, and the officer is not separated from employment; or
- Receipt of a signed verifiable complaint that contains specific allegations of non-compliance by an officer, pursuant to Section 943.13(4) or (7), F.S., to include the complainant’s name and return address; or
- Receipt of newspaper articles indicating an arrest or violation of moral character by an officer; or
- When a Field Specialist determines ineligibility due to a non-favorable inspection of documents discovered during an audit or review of files; or
- Information developed by the Professional Compliance Section indicating that an officer has been arrested or is in violation of Commission-ordered probation.