Case Processing 

The Professional Compliance Section shall evaluate the case information to determine if grounds for disciplinary action exist.

If the information received is not sufficient, the Professional Compliance Section shall request additional information that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Report summary (synopsis of investigation)
  • Internal affairs reports
  • Criminal investigations
  • Depositions or statements
  • Physical evidence or description of same
  • Tape recordings (video or audio)
  • Certified judgments and sentencing documents
  • Witness list (name, address, and telephone number of individuals involved in the case)
  • Arrest Reports


Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.