Overview of the Professionalism Division
The FDLE Criminal Justice Professionalism Division provides staff support to the Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission, the Florida Medical Examiners Commission and the Florida Accreditation Office.
Additionally, the Division is responsible for the FDLE Criminal Justice Executive Institute, the Bureau of Professional Development, the Florida Alcohol Testing Program, the Florida Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program, and FDLE member training.
The Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC), established under Florida Statute, Chapter 943, is an independent policy making body that ensures that Florida’s citizens are served by a qualified, well trained, competent, and ethical law enforcement community. The 19 member Commission is comprised of criminal justice and community leaders as set forth in Florida Statute. The CJSTC is responsible for creating entry-level curricula and certification testing for criminal justice officers in Florida, establishing minimum standards for employment and certification, and revoking the certification of officers who fail to maintain these minimum standards of conduct.
The Medical Examiners Commission was created pursuant to Florida Statute, Chapter 406.02, and also under this statute the staff is housed within FDLE. The Commission consists of nine (9) members, seven (7) of which are appointed by the Governor. The Commission is responsible for overseeing certain activities of the twenty-four (24) medical examiner districts and to this end submits an annual activity report to the Governor and Legislature. The Commission meets at least quarterly to discuss matters affecting the Florida medical examiners which may include nominations to the Governor for appointments, discussion of policy, generating or changing the administrative rules which affect medical examiner activities, proceeding with disciplinary action, or interacting with citizens, or other county, state or federal agencies in matters dealing with forensic death investigations.
Florida Statute, Chapter 943.125 created a voluntary law enforcement accreditation program. Accreditation is the certification by an independent reviewing authority that an entity has met specific requirements and prescribed standards and has long been recognized as a means of maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. Law enforcement agencies in Florida who comply with more than 250 professional standards designed specifically for Florida law enforcement agencies can now attain accredited status through the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc. Also, corrections agencies in Florida can now attain accredited status through the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission, Inc.
The Bureau of Training is responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of basic and post-basic criminal justice officer training for the State of Florida as well as the certification examination for basic recruits. The Curriculum Development Section develops and maintains basic recruit training programs, advanced, specialized, and instructor program training curricula and texts for Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Correctional Probation officers. The Certification Examination Development section develops and administers the State Officer Certification Examination to over 9,000 basic recruit applicants a year at exam sites throughout the state and oversees the Florida Basic Abilities Test that applicants are required to pass prior to entering a basic recruit training program.
The Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute (FCJEI) provides external training delivering educational programs to Florida’s criminal justice executives, senior leaders, and first line supervisors (as per Florida Statute, Chapter 943.1755). This training prepares them to deal with complex issues facing our state. The Executive Institute offers the Chief Executive Seminar, Senior Leadership Program, Florida Leadership Academy, and continuing development classes.
The Bureau of Professional Development is a Criminal Justice Standard and Training Commission certified law enforcement training school that is founded on FDLE’s basic principles and consists of three major components: formal educational training, operational experience, and individual preparation. The Bureau's function and processes are governed by FDLE Policy and focuses on three main areas: member training, external training, and agency support.
The Alcohol Testing Program (ATP) enhances public safety by ensuring the accuracy and scientific reliability of evidentiary breath and blood alcohol tests, facilitating enforcement of the implied consent laws, and promoting the qualifications and professionalism of persons responsible for breath and blood alcohol analysis within the State of Florida.
FDLE is the state administrator for the Florida Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program. FDLE’s role includes the preparation and oversight of the budget, training and certification of D.A.R.E. officers, and publication of an Annual Report.
Additionally, the FDLE is responsible for ensuring compliance with national standards, delivery of technical assistance and provide statewide program management.