FDLE arrests former deputy property appraiser
For Immediate Release
June 8, 2016
BRISTOL, Fla. - The Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested Julia Suber, 50, of Bristol, Florida on charges of embezzlement, grand theft, forgery, uttering, and official misconduct. Suber, who was the deputy property appraiser for Liberty County, turned herself in Tuesday at the Liberty County Jail.
FDLE began its investigation in March at the request of the state attorney’s office. The investigation shows Suber wrote paychecks to herself and forged the property appraiser’s signature on the checks. Agents believe Suber wrote at least seven fraudulent checks totaling more than $10,000 in additional pay.
Suber is being held in the Liberty County Jail on $145,000 bond. The State Attorney’s Office, 2nd Judicial Circuit will prosecute this case.
For Further Information Contact:
Gretl Plessinger, Molly Best or Steve Arthur
FDLE Office of Public Information
(850) 410-7001