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Domestic Security

In the years since September 11, 2001, FDLE has continued its commitment to domestic security in Florida. FDLE is guided in this effort by Florida Statute 943.0311, which established the Chief of Domestic Security and the duties of the department. The Chief of Domestic Security oversees the efforts of the department in an ongoing assessment of the state’s vulnerability and coordinates efforts to prepare for, prevent, protect from, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism that affect the state. As a critical component of Florida’s multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional approach, FDLE has engaged in numerous activities and initiatives that support our collective vision of keeping Florida safe. Working alongside the Office of Domestic Security in support of this vision are specialists in the areas of intelligence gathering, information sharing, and protection of Florida’s critical infrastructure and key resources. Together, these FDLE professionals advance the goal of establishing coordinated, positive, and functional relationships with federal, state, county, and municipal agencies. The Florida Domestic Security Strategic Plan is the blueprint by which these activities and initiatives are organized and executed within this framework.

A safe, secure, and resilient Florida.

Partnering to strengthen Florida’s capability to prepare for, prevent, protect from, mitigate, respond to, and recover from terrorism and other domestic security related incidents and events.

In support of our vision and mission, FDLE along with Florida’s domestic security partners have established six (6) goals:
  • Goal 1: PREPARE for terrorism and other domestic security and immigration related incidents and events.
  • Goal 2: PREVENT and deter acts of terrorism.
  • Goal 3: PROTECT our residents, visitors, and critical infrastructure against acts of terrorism.
  • Goal 4: MITIGATE the impact of an incident to preserve life, property, and the environment.
  • Goal 5: RESPOND in an immediate and coordinated manner focused on life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation, and community stabilization.
  • Goal 6: RECOVER quickly and effectively following an incident.

The purpose of these goals is to establish a planned, deliberate, and comprehensive effort in support of domestic security in Florida. This plan remains a working document that is revisited and reprioritized based on current conditions, federal guidance, and available funding. Decisions regarding projects and initiatives to support the strategic plan are made through Florida’s governance structure which includes the Regional Domestic Security Task Forces (RDSTFs), the Domestic Security Coordinating Group (DSCG) and the Domestic Security Oversight Council (DSOC), which are all described under the Organization section of this website.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.