UCR Semi-Annual Archives
Florida's Semi-Annual Uniform Crime Reports cover the period from January through June each year while the Annual Uniform Crime Reports include offenses and arrests for the entire year. Here you can find the Semi-Annual reports from 2000 through 2019.
Note: The data contained in data reports and spreadsheets available elsewhere on this website may include updates and/or late submissions from participating agencies that are not reflected in the various published reports; therefore, the figures in the two may not match. A discrepancy between published data and data contained in the data reports and spreadsheets does not necessarily indicate an error.
On January 1, 2013, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) UCR Program implemented a new definition of Rape that includes incidents previously reported as Forcible Sodomy in Florida. Beginning with the 2013 data, FDLE’s UCR Program modified the collection of Forcible Rape data to include forcible rape, attempted rape, and forcible sodomy. Through the 2012 data, when Forcible Rape is presented, it includes rape and attempted rape only, while forcible sodomy and forcible fondling offenses are included in aggravated assault to comply with Federal UCR reporting guidelines. Adjustments were made within the 2013 reports to 2012 data so the categories of Forcible Rape and Aggravated Assault can be compared between 2012 and 2013.
The UCR Guide Manual (revised November 2018) and UCR Report Forms are available for download.
Uniform Crime Reports Program (UCR)
P.O. Box 1489
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489
(850) 410-7121