CJDT Clerk of Court Case Reports

How to use the Dashboard

In an effort to exercise compliance with the requirements of the Criminal Justice Data Transparency (CJDT) initiative, FDLE publishes criminal justice reports using interactive visualizations. The dashboards present key information associated with arrest and judicial outcomes in Florida.

This guide provides information to assist in the navigation and filtering of the data within the dashboards. The visualizations are interactive; additional information is revealed when the user hovers or clicks on displayed elements.

The data on each dashboard can be filtered by multiple elements. Use buttons or the drop-down arrows to see the filtering options available that allow you to narrow the results down to your area of interest. Multiple selections can be made at the same time.

To narrow your results down to a specific area of interest, click the desired topic and the report will filter the information based on the requested element. For example, to only see information related to Baker County, click on the box next to the county name. The box will darken to indicate that it has been selected. You will notice that the charts within the dashboard change based on your selections.

You can click on more than one box to include multiple elements in your report. For example, if you want to limit your report to three (3) different counties, click the box next to each county selection you want to include. The boxes will darken to indicate that they have been selected. You will notice that the charts within the dashboard change based on your selections.

Some graphical elements will have an arrow down button. Selecting this enables “drill-down” mode which will reveal categorical data within your selection. In this visual you can “drill down” on any of the bars representing years. This will display categorical data based on that year alone.

Similarly, if you select the double arrow down button you will reveal the next level of data available. In the previous graphic you could select a single year to view. If you selected the double arrow instead of a single year you would then reveal the categorical data for the entire the page. In this case it reveals Weekly Inmate Admission Totals for the years 2020 through 2021.

To clear your selections, click the eraser icon at the upper right hand corner.

To clear all the selections made on the screen, click the reset icon found in each page. Reset buttons work for the page not for multiple pages.

To make the presentation full screen, click on the slanted arrows on the bottom right corner of the presentation. To exit full screen press ESC on your keyboard.

Data can be downloaded for each graphical element. Select the three dots on the upper right corner of the desired visual. Then select "export data" from the drop down menu.

Data can be downloaded as an excel file with a limit of 150,000 rows or as a csv file with a limit of 300,000 rows. Underlying data is only available as an excel file. Click export when you are ready to download your selected data. The downloaded data will have been filtered down by existing filters on the page.

Full Dataset Download

Download full unfiltered reports by clicking on the links below.
The download speed can vary based on the user’s hardware, software, and network capabilities. The reports are available in CSV format, and large datasets will be separated into multiple files not to exceed 1M rows.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.