Florida Analyst Academy FAQ

Q: What exactly is the Law Enforcement Analyst Training Program?

A: The Program consists of two courses of training: the Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Training (FLEAT), and the Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Academy (FLEAA). 

For specific information regarding each course and its curriculum click on their respective links.

Q: I want to go to the Academy, how do I sign up?

A: Before you attend the Academy you have to pass a course sponsored by FDLE: the Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Training (FLEAT), and have at least 1 year of experience working in an analytical capacity with a law enforcement agency. If you have not passed FLEAT, you will need to do so before your enrollment in the Academy will be considered.

The FDLE will accept applications to attend both FLEAT and FLEAA classes approximately 3 months before the next start date. Admitted applicants will be notified as soon as the selection process is completed. Non-admitted applicants must reapply.

At this time we are unable to substitute any other courses in lieu of FLEAT. 

Q: What else is involved in the application process? Do you contact my supervisor?

A: In order to attend either FLEAT or FLEAA, the corresponding application must be filled out and submitted in its entirety by the application deadline. FLEAA also requires a nomination form completed by the agency’s chief executive or a command staff designee. The FLEAT application and FLEAA application/nomination forms can be found on the schedule page.

For more information regarding the application requirements, please visit the Programs page and select either FLEAT or FLEAA (please note that there is a requirements page with more information on the analyst academy application).

Q: How do I know if I qualify to attend the Florida Law Enforcement Analyst Training?

A: You must be currently employed by a law enforcement agency in an analytical position for at least 6 months.

Q: I perform analytical tasks but my title doesn't reflect that. Can I still attend any of the training?

A: Probably. FDLE recognizes that many departments in Florida do not have budgeted law enforcement analysts. If this applies to you, please contact the Program Director at analysttraining@fdle.state.fl.us to initiate a review of your current position description to determine if your duties and responsibilities qualify you for attendance.

Q: What is the fee to attend these courses?

A: FDLE currently covers the cost of training. However, transportation to, during and from the training, the hotel, and per diem costs are at the expense of your agency. 
Q: Where are the courses held?

A: The courses will be held throughout the state of Florida.

Q: Can I attend training at a specific location?

A: Students should apply to the class most accessible to them, but may have to wait longer to attend if they require a certain training location.

Q: What happens if I am not able to attend if selected for training?

A: You will have to re-apply for a future class.

Q: How long are the waiting lists?

A: FDLE does not maintain waiting lists for the courses. Registration opens approximately 3 months prior to the start of each course. The applications can be found on the schedule page.

Q: How often are the courses held?

A: FLEAT will be held 4 times a year at various locations around the state. The Academy (FLEAA) will be held twice a year rotating through Northern, Central, and Southern Florida. Please refer to the schedule for specific dates and locations.

Q: What are the specific dates of the courses?

A: The Academy starts each January and July. If you are selected to attend you will be notified as to the specific weeks that training will be held. The FLEAT classes are usually held in January, April, July, and October, but start dates may differ based on instructor and location availability. Please refer to the schedule for specific dates and locations.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.