Honor Guard
The Capitol Police Honor Guard is comprised of a select group of outstanding police officers. Charged with displaying the Colors and adding an air of solemnity at significant events, the Honor Guard gives back to the law enforcement community through their presence at police funerals, parades, and other ceremonial occasions.
Members of the Honor Guard are skilled in the art of military drill, and are well-trained in the protocols for displaying our state and national flags at various official activities. Guided at all times by the US Flag Code, members of the Honor Guard seek to perform their duties professionally and respectfully at all times.
The Capitol Police Honor Guard has been pleased to participate in the following:
- Opening of the annual Governor’s Prayer Breakfast
- Opening of the annual Crime Victim’s Rights Week
- Opening of the annual Missing Children’s ceremony
- FOP Law Enforcement Memorial Service
- Springtime Tallahassee Parade
- Dedications of streets or monuments for fallen officers
- Police Academy Graduation Ceremonies
For more information, please contact Captain Joseph Wyland at (850) 728-6057 or JosephWyland@flde.state.fl.us
Protective Operation Section
One of the many responsibilities of Capitol Police is the safety and security of members of the Florida Legislature. Specifically, Chapter 943.61, Florida statutes authorizes the Capitol Police to provide protective services to members of either of the houses of the Legislature, upon the request of the respective presiding officer. Members of Capitol Police upon request are assigned to the Protective Operations Section team to provide protective services.
Selected Capitol Police members often train with the Governor's detail to keep their skills sharp and to remain current on protective operations and dignitary protection methods.
For more information, please contact Captain Mark Baker at (850) 410-8415 or MarkBaker@fdle.state.fl.us
Special Operations Team
In August 2003, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Capitol Police committed to forming a team of officers specially trained to respond to critical incidents. With the regularity of large crowds visiting the Capitol Complex for legislative session and committee meetings each year, the potential for a critical incident is always prevalent. FDLE Capitol Police recognized the vital need and created a Critical Incident Team, currently known at the Special Operations Team (SOT).
The mission of the Capitol SOT is to immediately respond to a critical incident within the Capitol Complex and assume control. In addition to critical incident response, the Capitol SOT provides security to dignitaries within the Capitol Complex and the Governor’s Mansion when needed.
In 2007, the Capitol SOT and the FDLE North SOT began combining resources on call-out operations; thus expanding the mission of the Capitol SOT to include service of high-risk warrants, and assisting in the apprehension of fugitives and violent suspects.
For more information, please contact Sergeant Tim Rice at (850) 528-6427 or TimothyRice@fdle.state.fl.us