1. |
Provides analytical and investigative assistance to law enforcement agencies.
2. |
Assists law enforcement agencies in developing leads and coordinating multiple agency
follow-up. |
3. |
Provides assistance for out-of-state, Interpol and Hague Country missing children
cases. |
4. |
Conducts private and public database searches. |
5. |
Flags birth and school records. |
6. |
Administers AMBER, Missing Child, Purple and Silver Alerts.
7. |
Facilitates DNA submissions of missing children or their relatives to state and/or
national databases. |
8. |
Facilitates fingerprint submissions of missing children to AFIS. |
9. |
Provides training to criminal justice partners, medical and social service professionals. |
10. |
Serves as liaison to Florida's Child Abduction Response Teams. |
11. |
Publishes and distributes emergency fliers containing names, photographs, and descriptions
of missing children. |
12. |
Serves as a liaison to other state missing children clearinghouses. |
13. |
Serves as a liaison to the Florida Computer Crime Center when a computer is involved
in missing child cases. |
14. | Assists with Off-line FCIC searches. |
Click to get "SAMPLE" Missing Children Abduction Assessment Guide in PDF format.