
FDLE announces arrest of Georgia man for petition fraud

For Immediate Release
September 12, 2024
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) announces the arrest of paid petition circulator Colton Brady, 34, of Fayetteville, Georgia, for petition fraud on the personal use of marijuana initiative. Brady submitted 71 invalid constitutional initiatives forms throughout Florida.
The charges are the result of an investigation led by FDLE’s Election Crime Unit (ECU) working with the Florida Department of State Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS) and the Leon County Supervisor of Elections. 
Brady is charged with eight counts of petition fraud crimes including criminal use of a deceased individual’s information, criminal use of personal identification information and false swearing, submitting false voter registration information.
Brady was arrested in Georgia on Sept. 5 on an FDLE warrant. The case will be prosecuted by the Office of the State Attorney, Second Judicial Circuit.
Seventeen people have been charged with petition fraud following FDLE investigations, including fraud on the marijuana, casino and abortion initiatives involving more than 34,000 invalidated petitions.
For Further Information Contact:
FDLE Office of Public Information

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