FDLE and law enforcement partners increasing presence in response to recent harassment against Jewish Community
February 24, 2023
In response to the recent harassment against Florida’s Jewish and faith-based communities by hate groups, and seeing coordinated efforts from a “National Day of Hate,” the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and Florida’s Fusion Center has distributed a statewide bulletin and is actively coordinating and increasing law enforcement presence to ensure any individual or group who criminally harasses or threatens violence against Florida’s faith-based community will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. While there are currently no known threats or protests planned in Florida over the weekend, there have been recent acts of violence toward the Jewish community, and we ask our citizens to be vigilant and report suspicious activity. FDLE is in constant coordination and communication with local law enforcement, and will have a presence across the state to reinforce local law enforcement efforts.
Report suspicious activity to 855-FLA-SAFE or your local law enforcement agency. In an emergency, call 911.
FDLE and our law enforcement partners across Florida are on full alert to ensure our communities are protected. FDLE will use the full weight of Florida law to ensure the safety of our Jewish and all faith-based communities against these hate groups.