For Immediate Release
May 24, 2022
VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. – FDLE agents arrested Richard Lee Roberson, 55, of Holly Hill, today on ten counts of possession of child sexual abuse material. Due to the number of child sexual abuse material files found, each count is upgraded to a second-degree felony per F.S. 775.0847.
FDLE investigators learned that a computer user at Roberson’s residence was downloading child sexual abuse material online. Upon securing and serving a search warrant this morning, agents uncovered evidence of hundreds of child sexual abuse material files on a desktop computer, laptop computer and external hard drive. The child victims being sexually abused in the files discovered on Roberson’s devices include toddlers and infants.
FDLE agents arrested Roberson and seized his electronic devices for further examination. Holly Hill Police Department and Daytona Beach Police Department assisted with the case.
Roberson was booked into the Volusia County Jail on a no-bond status pending first appearance. The case will be prosecuted by the Office of the State Attorney, Seventh Judicial Circuit.
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For Further Information Contact:
FDLE Office of Public Information
(850) 410-7001