For Immediate Release
December 19, 2019
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.– As we approach 2020, FDLE is highlighting some of its members’ most significant accomplishments in 2019.
“I want to thank our members for their hard work this year and Governor DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet for their leadership and support during this busy year,” said FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen. “2019 has certainly been a year filled with accomplishments, many of which were behind the scenes.”
Genetic Genealogy
During its first year, FDLE’s Genetic Genealogy program identified six suspects, helping solve cases that were more than a decade old where all leads had been exhausted. Florida is unique to have a genetic genealogy team at the state level working to help local agencies solve their most difficult cold cases.
Threat Assessment Strategy
FDLE is finalizing Florida’s threat assessment statewide strategy to address targeted violence by identifying individuals on the pathway to violence and implementing a plan to manage or reduce the threat.
Single-Officer Response to Active Shooter Training
FDLE developed an active shooter training program for single-officer response. FDLE worked with law enforcement professionals around the state to develop the two-day, 16-hour course. More than 20 training events have been offered with over 300 law enforcement officers trained.
Risk Protection Order Course
FDLE developed a risk protection order course for law enforcement officers in Florida. The one-hour course teaches officers about the orders, their purpose and the legal process for them.
Computerized Criminal History Upgrade
To provide the best quality and most complete information, FDLE implemented Florida’s new CCH (Computerized Criminal History) system which contains records of arrests and prosecutions. The new system makes it easier for customers to read Florida criminal history records and helps reduce the number of missing arrest dispositions.
Crime Drops
Florida’s Uniform Crime Report shows crime fell in the first six months of 2019. Violent crime offenses dropped by .5 percent while property crime offenses fell by 7 percent. FDLE compiles the report twice a year.
Sexual Assault Kit Completion
FDLE completed a three-year project to process older sexual assault kits submitted by local law enforcement agencies to FDLE labs following a 2016 Sexual Assault Kit Assessment. In total, 8,023 sexual assault kits were processed resulting in 1,814 CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) hits.
Data Transparency
As part of a multi-year project, FDLE developed a prototype website that will allow for the publication of comprehensive criminal justice data as received by our criminal justice partners. Upon launch in 2020, this website will make available information previously inaccessible to the public in a searchable format.
Updated AMBER/Missing Child Alert Criteria
FDLE, in coordination with Florida’s AMBER Review Committee, updated Florida’s AMBER and Missing Child Alert criteria considering changing crime trends and newer technology. The updated criteria include an Enhanced Missing Child Alert which can be activated in cases where it appears a child was not abducted but law enforcement believes he or she is in imminent danger.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Commission Reports
FDLE members, working as staff to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Commission, completed an initial and secondary report from the Commission to identify and address issues presented by the tragedy that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018.
Electronics Storage Detection Canine
FDLE agents trained the agency’s first Electronic Storage Detection canine, Maple, at the Pensacola Regional Operations Center. Maple is being used to sniff out anything that can digitally store information like USB drives, hidden cameras, computers, thumb drives, cell phones, CDs and DVDs.
Social Media
FDLE passed the 45,000 mark for followers on Facebook using social media to increase awareness of AMBER and Missing Child Alerts, unsolved cases and public safety educational materials.
2019 Numbers as of December 18, 2019
- Number of investigations opened: 3,295
- Number of officer-involved shooting investigations: 73
- Number of AMBER Alerts: 13
- Number of Missing Child Alerts: 24
- Number of Silver Alerts: 262
- Number of lab cases: 57,000+
- Number of hits to the DNA Database: 4,700+
- Number of expunge requests processed: nearly 19,000
- Number of FCIC transactions processed: 1.2+ billion
- Number of arrest records maintained: 29+ million
- Number of firearm purchase program background checks processed: 883,900
- Number of law enforcement executives trained through Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute: 400+
- Capitol Police calls for service: 5,000+
- Number of crime prevention trainings conducted by Capitol Police: 15, with nearly 800 attendees
For Further Information Contact:
Gretl Plessinger, Jessica Cary or Jeremy Burns
FDLE Office of Public Information
(850) 410-7001