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August 5, 2015
Governor Scott Appoints Rick Swearingen as Commissioner of FDLE
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott appointed, and members of the Florida Cabinet approved, Rick Swearingen as the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Governor Scott said, “Rick has served alongside the brave men and women at FDLE for over 30 years, and he has done a great job as Interim Commissioner this year. Florida is now at a 44-year crime low because of the hard work of Florida’s law enforcement officers, and Commissioner Swearingen has dedicated his career to making sure Florida is the safest state in the nation. I look forward to seeing his continued success at FDLE and know he will provide strong leadership while advocating for the safety of all Florida families.”
Rick Swearingen has served as the Interim Commissioner to FDLE since December 2014. He has been at FDLE since 1984 and previously served as the Director of the Capitol Police from June 2013 to December 2014. He previously served as Assistant Special Agent in Charge and Special Agent Supervisor. Swearingen received his bachelor’s degree from Auburn University.