Office of Planning and Budgeting

FY21-22 Florida Incident-Based Reporting System (FIBRS)

CLOSED: October 31, 2021

NOTE: This Notice of Funding Opportunity is posted on behalf of FDLE's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. The program will be administered through FDLE's CJIS Division and all questions should be directed to

Program Description
The FBI Director has mandated the transition to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for uniform crime statistics reporting. As Florida moves forward to comply with this mandate, the Legislature appropriated additional funding to assist agencies with the implementation of the Florida Incident-Based Reporting System (FIBRS).

The FIBRS project is designed to implement solutions to collect and process incident-based crime data from Florida's participating local and state law enforcement agencies. The solutions provide data to NIBRS, Use-of-Force, and LInX and provide a means to store and display Florida-only statistical data. The solutions also automate the collection, storage, and submission of law enforcement employee count data and population data.

Eligible activities for this funding may include but is not limited to:

  • Overtime for project staff;
  • Equipment or supplies required for system upgrades;
  • Training; and/or
  • Procurement contracts for services such as data migration, system configuration, and/or consulting.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement encourages applicants to  maximize these funds, where possible, such as grouping agencies together that have the same Record Management System (RMS) software vendor.

Although federal funding has previously been awarded to a limited number of agencies, this funding opportunity is available to all law enforcement agencies, regardless if they previously received federal funding.

Funding Application Deadline
All applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m., October 31, 2021.

Application Submission
Applications will NOT be accepted through FDLE's SIMON system. Application attachments and supporting documentation must be emailed directly to by the deadline above. See the program solicitation below for full details.

Funding Opportunity Attachments

  • FY21-22 FIBRS Solicitation
  • Application Budget Detail Worksheet
  • Technical Information Sheet
  • FIBRS Implementation Assistance Program Q&A

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.