Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)
The RSAT program is a national grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP). RSAT allows state and county detention facilities to re-examine the manner in which they provide substance abuse treatment to individuals in correctional custody.
The goal of the RSAT program is to break the cycle of drugs and violence by reducing the demand for, use of, and trafficking of illegal drugs. RSAT enhances the capability of state and local governments to provide the following:
- Substance abuse treatment;
- Reintegration preparation services; and
- Aftercare services upon release.
The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) program promotes funding activities within three different areas: residential, jail-based, and aftercare treatment services. Each area has different requirements as outlined below.
Residential Treatment Programs
- Programs must be between 6-12 months.
- Programs should provide services in a dedicated housing unit, separate from general population, where possible.
- Programs should focus on the substance abuse problems of the inmate.
- Programs must develop the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational and other skills to solve substance abuse and other related problems.
- Programs must require urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug/alcohol testing for current and former participants while they remain in custody.
- Programs must include an evaluation method to assess outcomes and track progress.
Jail-Based Treatment Programs
- Programs must be a minimum of 3 months.
- Programs must strive to separate the treatment population from general population where possible.
- Programs must focus on the substance abuse problems of the inmate.
- Programs must develop the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve substance abuse and related problems.
- Programs must be based on effective, evidence-based, scientific practices.
- Programs must include an evaluation method to assess outcome and track progress.
Aftercare Programs
Aftercare services funded through RSAT must include coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social service and rehabilitation programs. These coordination efforts should include: education and job training, parole supervision, halfway houses, self-help, and/or peer group programs.
To qualify as an aftercare program, the head of the aftercare facility must work in conjunction with state and local authorities to assist the placement of program participants into community-based substance abuse programs upon release.
Application Process
Florida's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) program competitively awards funds every other year. In non-competitive years, continuation funding is offered to existing projects. If a continuation program declines funding, OCJG evaluates the amount of funding available and determine if a new competitive process should be conducted.
During the competitive process, an OCJG review panel scores applications on objective criteria provided in the award solicitation. Once the OCJG review panel evaluates applications, projects are selected for funding.
Priority Provided
Preference is given to prospective recipients who offer aftercare services to participants. Aftercare services involve coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social service rehabilitation programs upon release. State and local correctional treatment programs are encouraged to place participants in aftercare programs meeting the RSAT requirements.
Additionally, Florida gives preference to evidence-based projects involving partnerships with community based programs. The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) website is one resource prospective recipients may use to find information about evidence-based programs in criminal justice.
Matching Funds
The federal share of any grant-funded project cannot exceed 75% of the total cost of the project. The 25% matching funds must be provided through local cash match or in-kind services.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible recipients for the RSAT program include state agencies and local units of government. Additional eligibility requirements are outlined in the award solicitation.
Application Requirements
Applications for Florida's RSAT program must be submitted electronically in OCJG's electronic grant management system (AmpliFund).
Detailed information regarding application content and required forms may be found in the solicitation. READ THE SOLICITATION!
Once a recipient is selected for funding, OCJG approves the award in AmpliFund, executes award documents, and provides copies to the recipient. Upon receipt of the award documents, recipients are advised to carefully review all enclosures to ensure there are no special conditions applied to the award. If there are special conditions on the award, recipients should to contact their assigned grant manager for more information prior to beginning project activities.