CJJIS Council Adopted Standards, Best Practices, and Links of Interest

The CJJIS Council has adopted the standards for implementing criminal justice systems in Florida. These standards shall be incorporated into applicable systems that are using the Criminal Justice Network (CJNet) for any interface or interoperability application.

Standard Type Applicable Standard
Biometric https://www.nist.gov/programs-projects/ansinist-itl-standard
FBI CJIS Security Policy v. 5.9.5
FBI CJIS Security Policy v. 5.9. 20240709         
Best Practices:
Topic Link
Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) ALPR Guidelines
Florida Statute
Administrative Rule
Application Vetting for Smart Phones
and Tablets
Research Brief
Additional Links of Interest:
Topic Link
Facial Recognition/Identification www.fiswg.org
FBI Biometric Center of Excellence www.biometriccoe.gov
FBI CJIS www.fbi.gov/services/cjis
Friction Ridge Analysis https://www.nist.gov/osac/friction-ridge-subcommittee
National Information Exchange Model www.niem.gov
National Institute of Standards and    
Biometric Identification System (BIS) and Rapid ID www.fdle.state.fl.us/FALCON-ICHS/System-Requirements.aspx


Florida Department of Law Enforcement Priorities

FDLE is composed of five areas: Executive Direction and Business Support, Criminal Investigations and Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Information, Criminal Justice Professionalism and Florida Capitol Police. FDLE’s duties, responsibilities and procedures are mandated through Chapter 943, FS, and Chapter 11, FAC. To learn more about these areas, read our Statement of Agency Organization and Operation or visit our Open Government page.