Friction Ridge
(Latent Prints)
Submission Guidelines

  • Remember to supply at the time of submission an Offender Based Tracking System number, a Florida State Identification Number, a Federal Bureau of Investigation number, or known print standards for any known subject you wish to have compared.

  • Remember that resubmission of the FDLE generated CD/DVD of latent print digital images (if it was returned to your agency) is required when there is a subsequent submission for comparison(s) to known standards.

  • Choose the LP-BIS service request when submitting a lift card or a CD/DVD in a case without a named subject.

  • Choose the LP-C service request when submitting a lift card or a CD/DVD in a case with a named subject.

  • Package non-porous (metals, plastic, glass) items in brown paper bags or boxes – NOT plastic bags

  • Package fingerprint standards of multiple subjects in their own respective containers for submission

  • Remember to request analysis from the Biology Section before submitting evidence for analysis by the Friction Ridge Section if analysis from both sections is desired.

  • Remember to request analysis from the Friction Ridge Section before submitting evidence for analysis by the Firearms Section if analysis from both sections is desired.

  • Ensure the correct number of latent lifts are documented on the packaging or case submission form to avoid delay in examination.

  • Document the location of the lift on the lift cards (i.e. top of driver’s side window)

  • DO NOT process your physical evidence with chemicals or powders prior to submission.

  • Mark the outside of the container “Biohazard” if there is suspected biological material, such as reddish-brown staining on evidence.

  • When submitting examination quality images, only one raw and/or TIF format image per latent (with scale included) should be submitted.  Please do not submit multiple images of the same latent print with different colored lighting – the single best image with natural lighting will suffice (with the exception of alternate light sources required to visualize select dye stains).

  • DO NOT use Scotch tape or adhesive notes to wrap physical items of evidence for friction ridge examination.

  • Use official fingerprint cards when submitting fingerprint standards.

  • DO NOT submit faxed copies of fingerprint or palm standards for comparisons.

  • DO NOT email copies of fingerprint standards for comparisons.

  • Use official latent lift backing cards when submitting latent lifts.

  • Wear gloves when powdering and lifting latent prints from a scene for submission.

  • X” out your own fingerprints on latent lifts if you do not wear gloves when powdering and lifting.

  • Wear gloves when securing a firearm at a scene or handling firearm components.

  • DO NOT include any items you used to manipulate, pickup or retrieve the evidence in the container when submitting the evidence.  These items only delay examination if they are processed unnecessarily.

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